For Middle Class, Health Insurance Becomes a Luxury
The majority of the uninsured are neither poor by official standards nor unemployed. They are accountants like Mr. Thornton, employees of small businesses, civil servants, single working mothers and those working part time or on contract.
"Now it's hitting people who look like you and me, dress like you and me, drive nice cars and live in nice houses but can't afford $1,000 a month for health insurance for their families," said R. King Hillier, director of legislative relations for Harris County, which includes Houston.
The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that should devastate the opponents of a Single Payer Plan who contend that our For Profit Insurance system offers higher efficiency and quality. It does neither.
RESEARCHERS WHO prepared the comparison said Wednesday that the United States wastes more money on health bureaucracy than it амоксиклав to provide health care to the tens of millions of uninsured Americans.
Why the US Needs a Single Payer Health System
Time for strong medicine Physicians for a National Health Program